대만 Taiwan
Body Phase Studio
뇌병변 소아마비 시각장애
Brain Lesions Poliomyelitis Visual Impairment
Embrace ··
The Moon
대한민국 South Korea
뇌병변 청각장애 지적장애
다운증후군 자폐성장애
Brain Lesions Hearing
Impairment Down Syndrome Autism
인터미션 Intermission
Where W
대한민국 South Korea Dresori 지체장애 Physical Impairment
Ur.Kunft – Here After
독일 Germany
Theater Thikwa
발달장애 다운증후군
Developmental Disability
Down Syndrome
A Beautiful Journey
대한민국 South Korea Holland Dance Festival 지체장애 Physical Impairment
인터미션 Intermission
Don’t call me by my name
스페인 Spain Seojung Dance 청각장애 Hearing Impairment
Way, Look at 36.5
대한민국 South Korea Min-Hee Lee 뇌병변장애 Brain Lesions
대한민국 South Korea Jeong-Ho Park 지체장애 Physical Impairment
Any discomfort,
and somewhere
in between
대한민국 South Korea Ah-Ra Ko 청각장애 Hearing Impairment
일본 Japan Koichi Omae 지체장애 Physical Impairment
Possible Dance 2017
대한민국 South Korea
The Eunpyeong Rehab
Intellectual Disability
대한민국 South Korea Jun EunSun Ballet Company 시각장애 Visual Impairment
Meetings and Me
벨기에 Belgium Créahm Bruxelles 다운증후군 Down Syndrome
대한민국 South Korea
On-Mom Company
뇌병변장애 청각장애
Brain Lesions Hearing Impairment
The faded times
대한민국 South Korea VivaDeaf 청각장애 Hearing Impairment
Flirt Fantasies
네덜란드 The Netherland Misiconi Company 다운증후군 Down Syndrome
To Belong
벨기에 Belgium Theater Stap 복합장애 Multiple Disabilities